Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Information) Regulations 2017, organisations with over 250 employees are required by law to carry out Gender Pay reporting. As a public sector organisation this must be done by 30th March for the previous year. The snapshot date is 31st March 2024.

Reporting on the gender pay gap involves carrying out six calculations that show the difference between the average earnings and of men and women in our organisation, it will not involve publishing individual employee’s data.

We can use these results to assess:

  • The levels of gender equality in the workplace
  • The balance of male and female employees at different levels
  • How effectively talent is being maximised and rewarded

The challenge in our organisation and Great Britain is to eliminate any Gender Pay Gap.

Gender Pay Reporting requires our organisation to make calculations based on employee gender. We will establish this by using our existing HR and payroll records. All employees can confirm and update their records if they choose to by contacting the School Business Manager within their Academy.

Gender Pay Gap Report 2025 for 2024

You can learn more about Gender Pay Reporting by visiting