

This site includes the homework timetables for all year groups.

At Cockburn School we believe that homework is an important part of the learning process for our students.

Homework reinforces learning that has taken place during school time, and develops independence skills. Homework also improves revision habits that are important preparation for examinations and it promotes self-discipline as the responsibility of needing to meet deadlines will impact on school work and beyond.

Our experience tells us that when students regularly complete homework tasks, students are not only helped along the path to becoming independent learners, but achieve greater success and give your child an additional gain to their learning.

We all have our part to play in this and our Home School Agreement states that:
  • Parents/carers will encourage and support your child with extended learning tasks and independent reading at home.
  • Teachers will provide regular opportunities to extend learning beyond the classroom.
  • Students will be independent by completing learning activities and coursework or project work including reading outside of school.

Homework at Cockburn School follows some simple guidelines: homework tasks are recorded in student planners and set on specific days. The amount of homework set will increase steadily as each student progresses through the school and can range from short 10 minute tasks such as learning spellings or a 30 minute task like completing a worksheet or an exam question. Some subjects set online homework that require a computer in order to complete the task and the school ensures that all students have access to a computer either before school, during break and lunchtimes and after school in order to complete online homework. In most cases, students will be given a week to complete the homework tasks that have been set. As homework is an important part of the learning process, teachers may set intervention or whole school detentions if homework is not completed to a high standard and on time.

The following tips can be useful to support your child with homework completion:
  • Provide a quiet place for your child to work.
  • Establish a regular ‘homework time’ in the home.
  • Help your child to plan adequate time to complete activities neatly and carefully.
  • Be available to help your child if she or he has a question, but please do not complete the work for them.
  • If your child becomes too frustrated with a task, ask them to stop and take a break. Your child may circle any problems or any part of the task that they would like us to review, and we will support your child in understanding the task or the concept in class.