Safeguarding Information

Important information about Safeguarding at Cockburn School is shown below

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25

Health and Safety Policy 2024-25

Extremism and Radicalisation Policy 2024-25

Read Online Safety Advice and Information from the West Yorkshire Police website

Our culture of safeguarding:

  • children and young people spend a large proportion of their lives in School. Cockburn is uniquely placed to play a central role in ensuring that students are protected from harm
  • the school’s primary responsibility is to facilitate learning and children are more likely to engage in the learning process and achieve their potential if they are safe and well
  • children who feel supported, listened to and valued at home and in school will welcome the educational opportunities provided for them
  • Cockburn will cater for children of different backgrounds, religions, cultures and abilities.

Our ability to safeguard will be evident on three levels-

Universal Safeguarding – this is our aim to keep all students safe by creating safe environments. This includes excellent site safety, safer recruitment of staff, strong school rules and codes of conduct and good safety awareness taught across the curriculum.

Targeted Safeguarding – this is our aim to focus on groups of students whose personal, social or economic circumstances may result in an increased risk to their safety. For example looked after children, students with special educational needs, children subjected to racism etc

Responsive Safeguarding –this is our aim to respond quickly and appropriately to situations where students may be or have suffered harm. This is our support through our strong child protection procedures.

Our aim and philosophy will be to be leading practitioners in

  • child protection
  • anti-bullying
  • behaviour and attendance
  • special educational needs
  • physical contact / positive handling
  • intimate and nurture care
  • children looked after
  • staff recruitment
  • CPD
  • PSHCE / Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)
  • Healthy Schools.

Safeguarding for Parents:


In School you can contact;

Our Executive Headteacher is Mr D Gurney

Our Headteacher is Mr R Dixon

Our designated Deputy Headteacher for child protection is Mr J Stevens

These members of staff can be contacted on the following;

0113 271 9962
You can also ask for advice or report your concern to

Children’s Social Care

Police : 999 Police : To report a crime but not an emergency 101

NSCPCC child protection helpline

Further help and information can be found via the following links: 

NSPCC - Report and Remove a nude image shared online 

Leeds Prevent  - Support for people at risk of radicalisation

What we will do if we have a concern about your child:

  1. If we are concerned that your child may be at risk of harm we must follow the procedures in our child protection policy. You can look at a copy in school or receive a copy to take home.
  2. In almost all circumstances we will speak to you about our concerns and we will inform you if we feel we must refer our concerns to children’s social care.
  3. Any child protection records on your child are kept separate from your child’s normal school file. You can ask to see what information is held and we will normally agree to this.

Safeguarding of your child in out of school activities/clubs/sports:

It is important for parents/carers to check that any sports club or activity that their child attends has their child’s safety as its priority. Even if the club seems professional, there are questions that parents and carers should ask to make sure that they have all the necessary safeguarding measures in place.

Click here for guidance on Safeguarding in Sports from West Yorkshire Sports 

The Role of the Safeguarding Lead ensures the following:  

  • All policies and procedures to safeguard staff and students are in place and are updated as appropriate.
  • All staff/volunteers have read and understood the policies.
  • All staff/volunteers understand and are confident with safeguarding procedures.
  • All staff are aware about abuse in order to overcome barriers to students and young people reporting their concerns.
  • Supporting staff/volunteers recognise the signs and indicators that might give rise to concern.
  • Providing detailed training on how to respond to concerns about abuse of children and young people and how to respond to children and young people making an allegation of abuse.
  • Explaining ways in which adults can raise concerns about unacceptable behaviour by other adults.
  • Addressing specific issues such as, photography and images on the internet, supporting performers, physical contact, one-to-one coaching, journeys in cars, conduct on school trips.
  • Providing support to staff, parents/carers and for confidential discussions about concerns.
  • Co-ordinating arrangements for monitoring of students on roll who have been identified as being in need of protection.
  • Working closely with other professionals with regards to referrals to social care and other external agencies.

Sexual Abuse in Educational Settings

At Cockburn School we take Harmful and Abusive Behaviours very seriously and in response to national concerns around sexual abuse in educational settings we would like to sign the helpline commissioned by the Department For Education and run by the NSPCC.

The helpline provides both children and adults who have experienced sexual abuse in schools with support and advice. The helpline will also provide support to parents and professionals. Anyone who gets in touch through this dedicated helpline will also be signposted to other relevant support services available.

The dedicated and confidential NSPCC helpline – Report Abuse in Education can be reached on 0800 136 663