Home School Agreement

Cockburn School is an academy which is a member of the Cockburn Multi-academy Trust whose focus is on each individual, acknowledging both their rights and responsibilities. Teaching and Learning drives an ambitious curriculum that seeks to stretch and challenge all students through academic rigour. A strong care, support and guidance structure supports learning throughout the school.

Our vision is to create opportunities within and beyond the curriculum to enable each student to become confident, independent and successful citizens in modern Britain. Through dedication and hard work our students will have a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. We widen the aspirations of all students, to help them to reach destinations that are ambitious and fulfilling. We value the arts, both as part of the curriculum and as part of the school’s extensive enrichment and extra-curricular programme.

We have high expectations of academic success and discipline and believe that these are best achieved in a caring environment.  We promote respect and good manners; these are fundamental to our school based on our shared Values and Expectations. We recognise the importance of each individual and the school’s place in the local community. We aim to promote lifelong learning by developing creative, independent and reflective learners. We believe in the equality of opportunity and in celebrating success for all.

The School Agreement

We will provide:

  • a safe, secure and well-disciplined working environment
  • a broad and balanced education
  • opportunities for all students to achieve their maximum individual potential
  • a high standard of teaching
  • access to high quality learning resources
  • work suited to the student’s age and ability
  • regular opportunities to extend learning beyond the classroom
  • regular targets to help students to progress
  • a Form Tutor to monitor the student’s overall progress including supervision of the school planner
  • sensitive handling of any individual needs the student may have
  • regular information about individual student progress and about school activities
  • opportunities for contact with students’ Form Tutors
  • a detailed progress report and Progress Review evenings for consultation
  • a wide variety of extra-curricular activities
  • a variety of external visits including overnight stays and a workplace experience
  • prompt response to parents/carers as soon as possible about any concerns regarding attendance, behaviour or academic progress
  • a commitment to maintain high standards of behaviour and appearance from students.

The Parent/Carer Agreement


  • ensure your child attends the school on time every day during term time, unless he/she is ill
  • inform the school promptly about any absences and/or changes in personal details
  • take no extended family trips or holidays during term time
  • inform the school of any concerns that may affect your child’s progress or behaviour
  • encourage and support your child’s work completed in school
  • encourage and support your child with extended learning tasks and independent reading at home
  • support the school’s Positive Discipline for Learning Policy
  • support the school’s Dress Code and Mobile Phone/Other Devices Policy
  • provide your child with the correct uniform and equipment for school
  • check the school planner each week
  • attend Progress Reviews and any other appointments as requested by the school
  • pay for the replacement of any equipment, books or school planners your child loses or willfully damages and any deliberate damage to school property
  • support the policies of the school
  • support your child in participating in extra-curricular activities, work experience placements, trips and residential visits
  • provide two up to date contact telephone numbers (this is a legal requirement) and an up to date email address.

The Parent/Carer Agreement

Online activity which we consider inappropriate – ‘Think before you post’:

We ask that social media, whether public or private, should not be used to fuel campaigns and voice complaints against the school, staff, parents/carers or students and bring the school into disrepute. Do not use social media to publicly challenge school policies or discuss issues about individual students or members of staff. Please support the school’s approach to online safety and do not deliberately post comments or upload any images, sounds or text that could upset or offend any member of the school community.


The Student Agreement

To follow the school’s Values and Expectations.

School Expectations: Positive, Polite, Prepared, Punctual, Pride

I will:

be punctual and prepared by arriving on time to school every day
be punctual to registration and all lessons
be prepared by wearing the correct uniform and complying with the dress code at all times
be polite and give letters/information from the school to parents/carers and return replies promptly
be prepared by using the school planner to record homework, targets and points
be prepared for learning by taking all equipment, including kit needed, to lessons using my in-school bag where appropriate
be positive by taking an active part in lessons and learning
be positive by taking an active part in the school life including clubs, teams, trips, residential visits, performance work and work experience
be prepared by revising for and attending all examinations
be prepared by completing all extended learning activities and coursework or project work
take pride in my learning, the work I produce and my school environment.

School Values: Resilient, Responsible, Aspirational, Independent, Respectful

I will:

behave responsibly in the school and travelling to and from the school
behave responsibly by not bringing to the school anything which is dangerous, illegal or against the rules
be respectful by following school rules and behave according to the school’s Positive Discipline for Learning Policy
be respectful of school property, the community and environment
be responsible and respectful when using the school’s facilities, including ICT and online learning
be respectful to all staff, students and visitors
be resilient in lessons when work is challenging
be resilient in lessons by completing activities to the best of my ability
be independent by completing learning activities and coursework or project work including reading outside of school
be aspirational in my learning to reach the highest goal.

When signing the agreement, parents/carers are also asked to provide consent for a number of essential activities that allow us to provide an outstanding provision. You can withdraw your consent at anytime by emailing info@cockburnschool.org

  • The authorisation of emergency medical treatment.
  • Data Exchange with local authority, government exam boards and other relevant organisations approved by the school.
  • The use of photographs/videos/audio of students for publications, social media and publicity.
  • Data Exchange with local authority, government exam boards and other relevant organisations approved by the school.
  • The use of a biometric image for the cashless catering system.
  • Taking students out of school during the timetabled school day.

Working in partnership with parents and carers is important to us.

As part of this agreement, parents/carers, staff and students are reminded that the school is a strictly non-smoking establishment.