Exam Revision

Frog Revision Support and Advice site:

We have created a very useful ‘Frog’ website which has the exam calendar, advice for revision and coping with exams and a section with specific advice for parents/carers.

Click here to go to our Frog Revision Support and Advice site

GCSE English Revision:

If you are a Year 11 student taking the English GCSE exams here are some revision resources to help you:

Click here to go to the Everyday English Frog Site.
(Students will need to log into Frog to access this.)

Put the time and effort into your revision now to be successful.
‘Transformation to Excellence’


GCSE Maths Revision:

Click here to view our online Hegarty maths support site

Click here to read the Maths Department GAP Analysis Letter that supports Maths revision


GCSE Science Revision:

If you are a Year 11 student taking the Science GCSE exams here are some revision resources to help you:

Click here to go to the Science Revision Frog Site.
(Students will need to log into Frog to access this.)


GCSE History Revision:

If you are a Year 11 student taking the History GCSE exams here are some revision resources to help you:

Click here to go to the History Portal Frog Site.
(Students will need to log into Frog to access this.)

GCSE Geography Revision:

If you are a Year 11 student taking the Geography GCSE exams here are some revision resources to help you:

Click here to go to the Geography Revision Frog Site.
(Students will need to log into Frog to access this.)


 All students should be revising daily in the run up to their exams. Click the links below to view some useful websites:

ALL SUBJECTS - https://classroom.thenational.academy/

ALL SUBJECTS - www.bbcbitesize.com

ART - www.artcyclopedia.com

ART - www.npg.org.uk

D&T - www.technologystudent.com